Kom-godt-igang manual for SPLS-slægten
Manual til slægtstræ og billedegalleri
Composite C1 is 100% web-based and is accessed through Internet Explorer or Firefox. You open your browser, log on with your username and password and you will then be able to insert content on your website.
After you have logged on, the Composite C1 administration console opens in your browser. It consists of two main areas: navigation areas and the working area.
(click the image to view it enlarged)
On the left, different navigation perspectives are placed. The website is both built and maintained through the same administration console, but the various tasks are organized under separate perspectives. For example, all pages are placed under the Content perspective and all tasks concerning user administration and permissions are placed under the Users perspective. The perspectives are:
The right side of the administration module consists of a working area from where the content on the website is administrated. When an element, like a page, is selected in the navigation area, the fields belonging to this element will be displayed in the working area. Depending on the selected type of element, different kinds of editorial possibilities will be displayed in the working area.
To each area there are context sensitive toolbars and menus. When you select an item, the toolbars will only show the menu commands associated to the selected item. When you select an item, and right click, a menu will appear. These menus will typically contain more menu commands than the context-sensitive toolbar at the top.
The Content perspective is the most used perspective for editors. This perspective contains the pages of the website arranged in a tree structure that reflects the structure of the actual website. Pages at Level 1 in the tree structure are typically shown in the top navigation on the front-end. Pages at Level 2 in the tree structure will typically be shown as the sub-navigation on the front-end. Depending on the actual design there are an infinite amount of possibilities for sub-navigation structures.
Use the menu on the left to learn how to create, edit and publish web pages as well as optimize pages for search engines.