The C1 website developer may associate one or more CSS classname to any element on the page. This will allow you to change the visual styling of the element with a few clicks of the mouse. On this website, two classnames have been associated to the table
While one of the styles suits a multi-purpose table with lots of text:
Question | Answer | Notes |
What exactly does Omnicorp produce and/or sell? | We synergize professional resources by no-nonsense facilitation of global business infrastructures. | Business is booming. |
How can I apply for a job at Omnicorp? | You can't. We have no public job listings. If you are talented enough, Omnicorp will hire you eventually. | We will contact you on your home address. |
- the other one is more suited for numbers and currencies. In the table below, the right-aligned text makes it easy to compare figures:
Company | Seasonal turnover | Increase in turnover |
Omnicorp | 23.500.100.864,00 |,50 |
Tropical Office | 2.023,00 | -523,50 |
Let's see how this works:
to select the whole table: